
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Unexpected Pro-Life Witness

by Anabelle Hazard

Never in my worst nightmares did I ever think I’d one day be lying on an operating table, voluntarily submitting my body and my baby for a DNC.  But there I was, discovering at 13 weeks of pregnancy that my long awaited baby had lost his heartbeat at 11 weeks and one day old.  A history of a traumatic and ER-ending miscarriage at home, and the possibility of intensive bleeding while traveling internationally left me with little choice.

It was while researching a courtroom scene for my novel that I first I learned of the difference between two of the most commonly used abortion procedures.  (Caution: graphic medical details to follow) For babies ages 8-13 weeks old, the Dilation and Cutterage (DNC) technique is used.  Here, the cervix is dilated, a cutterage (hook like instrument) is used to remove the baby and a vacuum collects the remains.   For older babies at 13-20 weeks, Dilation and Evacuation (D & E) technique is applied. The cervix is dilated (larger because the babies are more formed), suction is inserted, and a Sopher Clamp (forceps) is used to grasp at random body parts and dismember the baby.

continue reading here

 Anabelle Hazard is a practicing Catholic, non-practicing attorney, happy homeschooler, penniless novelist (of Catholic novels “Sand and Water” & “Fireflies Dance”), and long-winded blogger at Written By the Finger of God.

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