
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wishing You a Filthy New Year?

By Judie Brown

FILTHY: obscene, vile, impure, indecent, lascivious, lewd, pornographic, raunchy, vulgar

 In other words, not a very nice wish for the new year. But that is exactly what Planned Parenthood is offering our children.

Not too long ago a mother wrote to me: “I am very concerned that, by using an abstinence-only approach to educating our young people, we are doing them an extreme disservice and they will be unprepared for the real world. How do you feel?”

My answer usually ruffles feathers, but it goes something like this

The teaching of virtue in today’s society is rare but as we know, when purity is the cornerstone of a young person’s practices with himself or with others, there is no need to sink to the level of teaching sex in the classroom. 
The problem is many parents sell their kids short, believing that a young person cannot practice self control, and thus on their behalf such parents fall into the Planned Parenthood trap. Shame on those parents who do this.

Planned Parenthood is, without a doubt, the single most threatening force in the nation today when it comes to family stability, sexual health, and self respect among young people. Take, for example, the Hawaiian Pono Choices curriculum, “a culturally responsive teen pregnancy and STI (sexually transmitted infection) program.”

This program is one of many Planned Parenthood-inspired school programs, yet it does anything but inspire healthy attitudes toward the sexual identity of the human being. Indeed, among the consultants working on the program with Planned Parenthood and the University of Hawaii is Making Proud Choices. According to the Wednesday STOPP Report, “Making Proud Choices is a curriculum that targets African American youth, ages 11 to 13, and pays them to participate in the program. Making Proud Choices teaches children that sex is ‘fun and pleasurable when a condom is used and [students] are taught how to incorporate this belief into role-play scenarios.’”

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 American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death—without compromise, without exception, without apology.

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