
Monday, January 20, 2014


 From Steven Ertelt, Editor

This week our nation marks 41 years of legalized abortion -- where unborn children are killed in every state in our country.

For most Americans, the 41st anniversary the Supreme Court handed down its decision will be a day to mourn — a day to mourn the loss of tens of millions of unborn children — sons and daughters, brothers and sisters lost to a world that values choice over compassion. It will be a day to mourn the damage abortion does to women — the medical problems, the mental health issues, the damaging of relationships with friends and family, and the destruction of relationships with God.

Since that fateful day in 1973, there have been an estimated 56,662,169 abortions.

Each abortion is more than just a number -- it's a tiny baby whose life was snuffed out and a mother injured in the process. Each abortion is a father who will ever experience the joy of holding his baby, watching his son play on the high school football team or watching his daughter graduate from college.

If you run the math on those terrible figures, the numbers are absolutely chilling: 
  • 1.382 million abortions every year
  • 115,167 abortions every month
  • 26,577 abortions every week
  • 3,786 abortions every day
  • 157 abortions every hour
  • 2.6 abortions every minute
These numbers may break your heart but they have no effect on the mainstream media, the Obama administration and Planned Parenthood and its friends in the abortion industry worldwide. They don't want to be held accountable for this travesty -- but LifeNews will.

Every day at LifeNews, we report pro-life news and carry opinion and analysis columns that challenge the abortion mindset. LifeNews exposes the abortion industry and we highlight moving stories that show a respect for human life. For almost 22 years on the Internet, LifeNews has spotlighted pro-life efforts large and small to change the law and change hearts and minds.

Already this year, as LifeNews reported, two abortion clinics have closed! Will you help us this year to expand that success and stop those abortion numbers from climbing as fast?

Please support LifeNews today and help us continue to be a voice for the voiceless!

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