
Friday, January 24, 2014

After the Pro-life March, Work Begins on Legislation

Now that the 41st annual March for Life is history, some in Congress will get to work on a couple of pro-life bills


The question is, will they have a chance in the Democrat-controlled Senate?

1. The first bill deals with the Affordable Care Act. The Health Department has yet to provide a straight answer on whether people can determine whether their policy charges a premium to help finance abortions. The bill will require that each policy detail whether it does or not.

Hearings have been held several times on the issue so passage of the bill would help those participating in the exchanges.

2. Secondly, Congress will deal with a piece of legislation that would ban late-term abortions.

Susan Muskett of the National Right to Life Committee explains what the intent of the bill is.

"To provide nationwide protection for unborn children who are capable of feeling pain began at 20 weeks fetal age, which is the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy," she tells OneNewsNow.

The bill would likely pass the Republican majority in the House but not the Democrat majority in the Senate.

Muskett explains: "The passage will depend on how strongly the American people convince their senators that this is something that they must vote to support, that they can no longer tolerate abortions being performed on these unborn children who are capable of feeling great pain during an abortion."

But it is an election year, and if a Senate vote takes place, voters will be aware of their senators' stance when they go to the polls in November.

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