
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Three Kings and a Baby

By Gabriel Garnica

Having recently celebrated the Epiphany, wherein we commemorate the journey and adoration of three wise, and brave, kings for our newborn Savior ( Matthew 2:1-12), we might also dwell on the decisions of another set of three kings regarding babies.

The First Pro-Life Decision
Scripture tells us the story of two prostitutes who ask King Solomon to settle an argument between the two of them over who is the mother of a particular baby (1 Kings 3:16-28 ). The wise king asks for a sword to divide the baby in half so that both can have part of the baby. Ultimately, Solomon decides that the essence of motherhood is unconditional, unselfish love willing to sacrifice, not chained to convenience or self-interest, free from bitterness or resentment and, above all, recognizing the mutual relationship between personal responsibility and trust in the Will of God. In awarding the baby precisely to the woman willing to sacrifice her own interest for the baby’s safety and welfare, Solomon embraces the sanctity of life over self.

A King’s Right To Choose
If wise Solomon showed us the majestic heights to which noble rule can rise, then Herod demonstrated the pathetic depths to which ignoble rule can sink. Consumed by insecurity and doubt, this king chose the convenience of mass murder in a vile and feeble attempt to maintain a grasp on the false illusion of a temporary throne. Is not abortion merely this, the pathetically selfish attempt to escape personal responsibility, or the equally tragic victory of the material over the spiritual? Is not the very essence of abortion yet another cry of rebellion against the omnipotence and rule of God over life? Is not abortion a morally immature “solution” steeped in self? In murdering innocence for self-interest, Herod embodied this society’s rampant selfishness and greed, and provides us with a tragic contrast to the noble decision of Solomon.

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