
Sunday, January 19, 2014


From Father Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life

We hear about it all the time…

A particular release of a certain car is found to have faulty brakes, and so the cars are recalled…

A particular shipment of meat is found to contain harmful bacteria, and so the meat is recalled…

Even medical procedures of the past -- like lobotomies -- have been discontinued because of the proven damage they have done… And on and on it goes…

And meanwhile, abortion is killing children and harming women for life every single day, and it has yet to be recalled by the government!

Supporters of abortion, and the government itself, claim that abortion is a medical procedure which is part of "health care." Except that they can't name a single disease that abortion cures or a single medical benefit that it brings.

Public servants are supposed to serve the public, not harm them. And therefore it's time to take the harmful procedure of abortion off the market!

Now you have an opportunity to help us do that! As you may know, Priests for Life works with committed public servants at every level of government. Some of them are pro-life, some are pro-abortion. But all of them know how to count! And when millions of Americans take the time to say something to them loud and clear, most of them will take notice and do something!

Our Executive Director, Janet Morana, who co-founded the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, by which thousands of women and men share their firsthand experience of abortion, has also written a book. Recall Abortion is a book that makes the case that the government should recall abortion without further delay. And the book shows that the reason for doing that is contained in the poignant words of those who recall how abortion has harmed them.

But Recall Abortion is more than a book.  It's also a petition that we are asking you to sign today! Once you click below, you will be able to read the petition and sign onto it.

As we collect these powerful statements, signed by thousands of concerned citizens, we will show them to elected officials in order to urge them to do all in their power to recall abortion.

There are many different legislative efforts underway to do this. The petition addresses the rationale behind any and every such effort: abortion kills children, harms women, and should be recalled.

So please click here to be directed to the Recall Abortion petition. And be sure to order the book as well!

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