
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

March On!

by Sean Fitzpatrick
For forty-one years America has grown sick under the shadow of legalized abortion. For forty-one years Americans have gathered at the nation’s capital to march in protest. For forty-one years, over forty-one million American babies have been butchered before they could even be born. Abortion is perhaps the single most egregious evil in the history of the human race; and in America, not only is it regarded as commonplace but as common sense.

“It’s about acting responsibly,” says an ad for an over-the-counter, morning-after abortifacient called Plan B – One Step, which also sports the slogan “Helps Prevent Pregnancy.” It is well beyond the pale of comprehension how truth in advertising—by some logic or magic—no longer applies when it comes to abortion. Lies are acceptable when they are convenient. Deception in advertising is permissible in order to give people the power of choice—the power to choose between life and death, to be a parent or an executioner. Any other advertisement that portrays a falsehood seems bound to lay bare its fiction. “Fantasy, do not attempt. Cars can’t jump on trains.” Nevertheless, the basic, irrefutable scientific facts that accompany the biological condition that Plan B – One Step alters is simply not a prevention. It is an abortion. In a sense, abortion is birth control—so why not treat it like one? “Emergency contraception,” they call it.

Has the world gone mad? Sadly, incurably so. And, of course, anyone who thinks this of the world will be labeled as the lunatic.

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Sean Fitzpatrick is a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College and the Headmaster of Gregory the Great Academy. He lives in Scranton, PA with his wife and family of four.

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