
Monday, January 6, 2014

On the Futile Quest to Find Happiness from the World, as Taught to us by Ormie the Pig

The video below is a humorous depiction of the utter frustration of seeking our fulfillment in or from this world. Ormie the Pig seeks cookies that are just out of reach and he will go to every length to get them.
Many are like this in our world. In a quest for illusory happiness, many will spare no expense, and even self-destruct seeking to fill the God-sized hole in their heart.
But it never works, because our desires are infinite, and a finite world just can’t seal the deal. We are always left unsatisfied. Our complete fulfillment can only be with God. For now, we walk by faith toward Him of whom our heart is says, “Seek his face, seek always the face of the Lord!”
Seeking the Lord does two things for us immediately and in growing measure. First it helps us stop thinking that finite things can really satisfy us and increasingly ends our frustrating, futile and intense running after these things. Secondly, as our prayerful union with God deepens, our satisfaction with the Lord also deepens and becomes more desirable than the finite things of the passing world; increasingly we can say that God really does satisfy.
In the video Ormie is a very unhappy pig because no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get what wants. And the world also seems to taunt him as he tries. And frankly, even if he did get the cookies, they would satisfy for twenty minutes, max.
Allow the cookies to represent happiness. Ormie spends his whole life focused on pursuing something this world can’t give him. An awful lot of people live like Ormie, forever running and chasing butterflies. Somehow they think that if they just get the thing they seek, they will be happy. They will not, at least not in the infinite sense their heart really seeks. Wealth brings comfort, not happiness. The finite world just can’t give what many want it to give and are always pursuing.

Enjoy this video. It’s very funny. Often humor registers in us because it contains an element of truth that we recognize in our own self. So laugh, and learn with Ormie the Pig!

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