
Friday, January 3, 2014

The Devil Has a Microphone

“It’s my life!” a teenager rants. “Then, turning to the talk show host he explains, “That is why I should have the right to kill my parents. They are interfering with my right to live as I choose.”

The first part of the statement is as par for the adolescent course as oily skin and moodiness. Wanting to kill for impeding freedom, however, is insane. Rather than booking this fictional guest on a talk show, the deranged child would be whisked off to intensive therapy.

Yet Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC announced on her program that she supports the murder of living, newborn children. She did so without becoming labeled dangerously insane. According to her, life begins when the parents feel like life begins and this can be after a child is born. Harris-Perry would like choice to move beyond the womb, insisting that life begins when parents determine it begins.

She was quoted by RealNews24 as stating, “When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling — but not science.” Harris-Perry said that to nationwide astonishment on her July 21 MSNBC show.

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