
Monday, January 27, 2014

This is Planned Parenthood


What do the two words – Planned Parenthood – mean to you? To the uninformed, they probably imply that a father and mother discuss their future plans for a family. They would prayerfully decide what they would like and what God would like for them. Maybe they would think that Planned Parenthood would help them with these plans. They might even think Planned Parenthood is a part of Natural Family Planning. But you and I know better. We know that the real Planned Parenthood is nothing like that at all. A better name for this organization that preys upon our young would be Ending Parenthood. Planned Parenthood works day and night to destroy the morals of young people, to undermine their parents authority, and to promote abortions for profit.
 A new analysis from National Right to Life finds that nearly 1 in every 9 women who go to a Planned Parenthood clinic have an abortion and that those clinics perform an abortion in the United States once every 94 seconds. The same analysis showed that even though Planned Parenthood increased their “adoption referrals to other agencies” – to 2,300, abortions at Planned Parenthood still outnumbered adoption referrals by a 145-to-1 margin. Obviously, Planned Parenthood is not into adoption or into families – they are into abortion and ending families. Dr. Randall O’Bannon researched Planned Parenthood’s reporting figures for 2011. He states, “By their own numbers, Planned Parenthood continues to show that they are deeply entrenched in the business of abortion. In 2011, Planned Parenthood clinics performed 333,964 abortions. Even as current data indicate the total number of abortions in the U.S. has been going down, Planned Parenthood keeps increasing its share of the abortion industry performing well over 25% of the annual estimated total of abortions performed in the United States.” (Emphasis added) Dr. O’Bannon’s analysis also revealed:
  •  At going rates for a standard surgical abortion performed at 10 weeks ($451), the 333,964
    abortions Planned Parenthood performed represent an income of at least $150.6 million.
    Collectively, the organization showed nearly $1.2 billion in revenues with more than 45% of
    that ($542.4 million) coming in the form of “Government Health Services Grants and
  • Birth control, breast exams/care, and cancer screenings (that Planned Parenthood touted as
    major issues during the 2012 election campaign) actually decreased while abortions reached
    their all-time record.
  • Prenatal care – offered at only a handful of PPFA clinics to begin with – dropped for a
    second year in a row, a perfect illustration of how tenuous Planned Parenthood’s
    commitment to a woman’s full range of “reproductive options” truly is.
“Planned Parenthood continues to be the single-largest abortion provider in the United States. And regardless of what they say, their data and their deeds show that abortion continues to take up a very large percentage of their operations and focus,” O’Bannon concluded.
903. That's how many children are aborted by Planned Parenthood every single day. That's one baby--one unique, God-created life and future--erased every 96 seconds. The problem is right here in Overland Park, Kansas. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill. A few years ago, Bishop Eugene Gerber of the Wichita Diocese, referred to an abortion clinic as a “human slaughterhouse”. That’s what Planned Parenthood really is.
Our name tells our mission – Planned Parenthood Exposed.

With your help and prayers, we can succeed in our mission. The deeds of Planned Parenthood must be exposed. Our second postcard is designed to show how Planned Parenthood preys on our youth.
We want everyone in the KC metro area to know the evil schemes of Planned Parenthood. Ignorance and silence support the oppressor not the victim. We will not be silent. Your gift will help us speak volumes of truth about Planned Parenthood. Please be generous in your support of your efforts – both financially and with your prayers. All of us are volunteers, so your gift is used solely for educational purposes.
If you would like to donate to the effort of Planned Parenthood Exposed effort please send your contribution to:

                      Planned Parenthood Exposed
                      PO Box 88
                      Basehor, Ks 66007

 Any gift  is deeply appreciated and will be used to Expose Planned Parenthood.

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