
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Updates from Pro-Life Waco for January 2014

From John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

1. Second Sunday gathering and celebration in Waco.
2. Planned Parenthood desecrates a Christian hymn
3. Girl Scouts entangled in abortion advocacy -- again

1. Second Sunday gathering and celebration in Waco.
Our Second Sunday (Jan. 12) Pro-Life Gathering at St. Mary’s Parish Hall will have a celebratory spirit. Abortions at the hands of Planned Parenthood have ended and Nobody’s Fool is no more.  For these blessings, I will include Italian sausage in “the meal” served all through the noon hour buffet. Then from 1 to 2 we will have our action-planning meeting. There is much we can do to help close Planned Parenthood completely. Come with your friends and see. We will have a “super” Life Chain on Super Bowl Sunday. We will car pool to the Rally for Life in Austin on January 25. And we will have the best-ever 40 Days for Life prayer vigil beginning March 5. There is much to do to prepare.

2. Planned Parenthood desecrates a Christian hymn
Some may wonder why pro-lifers in Waco will battle Planned Parenthood in 2014 after they ended the shedding of innocent blood. As long as Planned Parenthood is open five days a week, they will still counsel women to abandon their little ones to abortions committed in Austin and Dallas. Moreover, Planned Parenthood will continue to promote promiscuity and the view that sex is simply a recreational activity. No evidence could be stronger than when Planned Parenthood put out a YouTube video just before Christmas entitled “The Twelve Days of Contraception.” The lyrics, which include gifts of a box of Plan B morning-after pills, four Depo Provera birth-control shots, and five NuvaRings, are beyond disgusting. Just who is waging a degrading war on women? Planned Parenthood will be aggressive in promoting its agenda. They will take the battle to us. And, we must be ready to take the battle to them with the assurance that the gates of hell will not prevail. You can read more about Planned Parenthood's “Twelve Days of Contraception” by clicking here.

3.Girl Scouts entangled in abortion advocacy -- again
Girl Scouts of America is showing their pro-abortion stripes. Somehow the wolf keeps showing through the sheepskin. Girl Scouts tweeted out their support for a left-wing list of women deserving of 2013 “Woman of the Year” designation. Yikes! The list included Texas Senator Wendy Davis who is now running as the Democratic candidate for Texas governor. Davis’ only claim to fame is her opposition to restrictions on abortion including the ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. According to Associated Press, her “11-hour filibuster against abortion restrictions catapulted the state senator to national fame this summer.” See an article about this here.  This whole Wendy Davis matter is a rerun of what happened here in Waco in 2003 when local Girl Scouts name the director of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility, Pam Smallwood, as a Woman of Distinction to serve as a role model for children. See the Waco news story here That honor helped trigger the successful 2004 Girl Scout cookie boycott. Hmm...? I think I could handle 2014 without tasting Girl Scout cookies. How about you?

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