
Sunday, January 5, 2014

War on Babies? O'Reilly Challenges Planned Parenthood's Motives

Is there a war on babies? Bill O’Reilly hosted that debate with Daily Beast columnist Kirsten Powers and Republican strategist Kate Obenshain on tonight’s Factor.

A premise Americans must accept, O’Reilly said, is when a woman undergoes an abortion, a baby will not be born.

In the four years leading up to 2012, Planned Parenthood referred or provided 1,322,853 abortions. That’s slightly less than half of all the abortions performed in the United States.

From those operations, Planned Parenthood derived $100-$300 million per year. The tax-exempt organization had close to $60 million left over in 2012.

Powers, who is pro-life, challenged O’Reilly’s statement that Planned Parenthood profits off of abortions. “It’s not like they’re dividing it up and giving bonuses to people.”

O’Reilly countered, “Kirsten, listen to me. You don’t know what you’re talking about because they won’t tell us.”

Watch the rest of the debate in the clip below.