
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why Bother to Fight Abortion?

by John Rabe
Truth in Action Ministries

In recent years, a destructive lie has gained traction among Christians who care about cultural issues. 

According to this lie, Christians have wasted their political efforts on behalf of the pro-life cause. In this line of reasoning, because Roe v. Wade has not been repealed, and because abortions continue to be legal, Christians have “lost” the pro-life war and have had no discernible effect on ameliorating the killing of the unborn in America. 

The reasons for this disinformation are various. Some comes from pastors who hold a spiritualized theology, which says any earthly “reform” efforts from Christians are doomed, since evangelism and “saving souls” is the only worthwhile work. Still more of it comes from left-leaning clergy who want to discourage Bible-believing Christians from further action. And some of it is simply due to ignorance about the impact pro-life activism has had.

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An ordained Southern Baptist church elder, John Rabe has a B.A. in Christian Ministry from Trinity International University and has studied at Knox Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Wendy, have been married since 1992 and have two children in college.

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