
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Anti-Abortion Student Group Says School Is Treating It Unfairly

 From Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America
A few months ago, our Northwest Regional Coordinator, Rebekah Barnes, helped Bryce Asberg start a pro-life group at his school, Wilson High School in Tacoma, Washington. Ever since he started Wilson Students for Life (WSFL), Bryce has faced censorship and delay from his administration. And this December, things got really bad when his school Vice Principal told him he wasn't allowed to post 2 of Students for Life of America's posters because they could be offensive and controversial to some ---even though his school's Gay-Straight Alliance were allowed to put up posters that read "Love Knows No Limits."
Bryce contacted Rebekah immediately, and our team contacted our attorneys. They confirmed that what was happening at Wilson High School wasn't right --- that if the Gay-Straight Alliance were allowed to hang flyers with their beliefs so should the pro-life group. After all, this is a public high school and the first amendment rights of all students is constitutionally guaranteed.
Last week, our team issued a public statement informing the media that our attorneys had sent Bryce's school a letter requesting that they allow him to hang his posters and uphold his rights. Immediately, every TV station and newspaper in Seattle and Tacoma wanted to interview Bryce.  
Rebekah dropped everything and drove up from her office in Portland to be with Bryce. I hopped on the phone and started training him in how to do media interviews. Our attorneys at the Thomas More Society starting fielding questions from reporters.
A few hours after the release, Bryce's school district came out with a statement with blatant falsehoods, claiming they never censored Wilson Students for Life's pro-life flyers and tried to make Bryce seem like he had disobeyed his administrators. While we have the proof that this is false, this caused a lot of stress on Bryce, his parents who have been helping him throughout this ordeal, and the members of his newly-formed pro-life club.
Bryce is 15 and has served to be an inspiration for me these past 2 weeks. Like the pro-life students at the University of Alabama, he is bravely standing up for his beliefs and for all pro-life students across the nation who are being censored and blocked by their school administrations.
Just watch this short interview he did for the Seattle Fox channel this week to see what a courageous young man he is!
This week, Bryce, his parents, and members of his group have a meeting with school administrators, where I'm sure they are going to scold him for taking his censorship public. And I know if I can send him thousands of thank you messages before that meeting it will give him the motivation he needs to keep standing strong for Life.

Thank you for always standing with us at Students for Life. You'll never know just how much it means to us!

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