
Thursday, February 13, 2014

BREAKING: Belgium Parliament Approves Euthanasia for Children

The Parliament in Belgium has just voted to allow children to be euthanized by 86 votes to 44. There will be no age limit, and the law is expected to be signed by the king. This would make Belgium the first country in the world to allow children of any age to be euthanized.

And while the law is supposedly limiting euthanasia to children who are terminally ill only, it’s important to be realistic. That’s what Belgium’s laws already require for adults who choose to be euthanized, but it’s not the case at all. Their euthanasia train has run completely off the tracks, with people being euthanized for blindness, depression, being transgendered, and for anorexia. Why should anyone expect that it will be any different for children?

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