
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Family Valued Alternatives to Girl Scout Troops

Cookiecott has been a huge victory due to the efforts of pro-life groups and organizations across the country, especially Pro-Life Waco who launched this successful campaign.  

You have been informed of the close relationship of the Girls Scouts of USA and Planned Parenthood with their promotion of pro-abortion politicians; and many articles have been written and published giving all the details.  You have been given many action items to help you with a successful Cookiecott in your own area.

Now, here’s a list of some alternative organizations, along with some information from their websites, where you can safely send your daughters and know that the family values you have instilled in them will be honored and reinforced.  If you know of any other organization we can add to the list, please send the information to 

I will be adding this as a help tool at the top of the home page to the Voices blog so people can refer others to this site in the future. 

American Heritage Girls       

(This group also has a pro-life badge which was recently introduced)

American Heritage Girls was founded in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio by a group of parents wanting a wholesome program for their daughters.  These parents were disillusioned with the increasing secular focus of existing organizations for girls. They wanted a Judeo-Christian focused organization for their daughters and believed that other parents were looking for the same for their daughters. This became the catalyst for the birth of the organization we have come to know as the American Heritage Girls. AHG is seen as a Christ-centered alternative to Girl Scouts. 

The founders of the American Heritage Girls and the volunteers of today give all credit for the success of AHG to God for His constant hand upon the organization and His unceasing blessings.  Use this link to contact them about starting a group in your area

Frontier Girls    

Frontier Girls is a scout like club for girls ages 3-18 that is offered as an alternative to the Girl Scout program.  We focus on patriotism, traditional values, community service and a love of learning.  Patriotism is a character trait taken very seriously in Frontier Girls.  All meetings begin with a formal flag ceremony and girls are taught a proper respect for both flag and country.  We are also a strong supporter of our military personnel and veterans.  Frontier Girls Clubs dedicates an entire section of its program to teaching the girls good character traits such as honesty, responsibility, modesty, and joy, and encouraging them not only to participate in community service projects, but to organize their own.

Frontier Girls Clubs offers over 1200 individual badges.  Girls today have more opportunities than at any other time in our history.  Their interests vary from basic home skills and crafts to cutting edge science and technology.   Whether a girl wants to learn about dairying and farming, or about aviation and rocketry, we offer badges for just about anything.   Use this link to learn how to start a program in your area


Pioneer Girls Club   

The Christian centered Pioneer Girls Club began in 1939 in Illinois and was called the Girls Guild. This group was for girls of all ages and had four ranks; Royal Helper, Royal Maiden, Royal Lady and Royal Princess. They could earn badges in four fields; outdoor, nature, music and hostess. The program was the sister-program of the all-boy Christian Service Brigade.

In 1941 the program's name was changed to Pioneer Girls and the program was revamped. Girls under the age of 10 were Pilgrims and could earn a star and two badges; music and nature. Girls 11 and older were Pathfinder, Homesteader and Harvester ranks. Generally speaking girls 15 and older were considered Explorers, but at this time it was not a rank.

Through the years the program continued to grow and change. Finally the Pioneer Girls and the Christian Service Brigade merged to become the Pioneer Clubs and continues today.  Use this link for information on starting a club.

Mpact Girls Clubs       

Mpact Girls Clubs is a program for winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Mpact Girls Clubs provides an environment of support and accountability while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage girls to be spiritual leaders.

Girls Ministries is about intentional outreach and Christian discipleship for girls. We provide resources to help churches and individuals teach girls biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.   Use this link for information on getting started

Little Flower Girls Club

"Little Flowers Girls' Club® is a Catholic program for girls ages 5 and up based on learning Catholic virtues through the lives of Catholic saints, Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Developed by a Catholic mom of nine, Rachel Watkins, and based on Fr. Lasance's Catholic Girls' Guide, the Club strives to bring the Catholic faith alive and inspire the girls to become authentic Catholic women..." Use this link to learn more about this group.

Pilgrims of the Holy Family 

A Catholic alternative to 4-H and Scouts for boys and girls ages 10 and up! 

This family activity program is designed to teach proficiency in a variety of life skills for the purpose of developing well-rounded young men and women. Theater, Astronomy, Architecture, and Swimming are just a sample of Achievements in five categories, or "Paths," designed to reflect our own pilgrimage toward our Heavenly Father. Each completed path forms a step named after the five pilgrimage sites of the Middle Ages: Canterbury; Cologne; Compostela; Rome; Jerusalem.  Materials can be purchased using this link. 


Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a proven approach for evangelizing kids in the church and community.

As a ministry leader for over 60 years, Awana is making an impact. A national survey found Awana to be as important to our alumni's spiritual foundation as all other church activities combined. Among alumni who participated in our programs for at least six years, 92.7 percent still attend church at least weekly as adults!   More information on this group can be found here.

Junior Catholic Daughters of America

Youth have a right and a duty to be an active part of our community.  JCDA offers structure, guidance, community, and service to all girls between the ages of 6-18.  JCDA members must not only accept the Christian message, but act on it.  They must be motivated to build a community in all areas of life. 

Today's world requires Christians to become involved in seeking solutions to problems such as war, poverty, abortion, discriminations, and other current issues.  The program is flexible, and allows adult leaders to tailor the meetings to the needs of the youth.

Use the inquiry form to find a JCDA court near you or to learn how to start a JCDA court in your area.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Patricia! I've just finished passing it along. May our Lord so richly bless you for all your beautiful and dedicated efforts.
