
Saturday, February 15, 2014

HLI in the News: Comments on President Obama’s Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast

In a speech during the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, President Obama made statements on freedom of religion and the right to life at odds with the policies of his administration. Human Life International Communications Manager Adam Cassandra was asked by the news media to comment on the president’s statements.

“It’s also clear that around the world, freedom of religion is under threat … No society can truly succeed unless it guarantees the rights of all its people, including religious minorities,” the president said.

When asked by The Daily Caller for comment, Mr. Cassandra said:
The president is right, freedom of religion is under threat, not only in the United States but increasingly around the world. Unfortunately, the actions of the Obama administration, especially in terms of the HHS mandate dealing with contraception and abortifacient drugs, its policy on abortion, and the administration’s support for redefining marriage, have greatly contributed to the persecution of Christians, especially Catholics. The rights of religious minorities deserve protection, but the mainstream moral values of Christianity also need protection, especially from this administration, and should not be labeled as ‘intolerant,’ which only incites hatred and violence towards Christians.

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