
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How We Marked the 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Attending Marches Across the Country

Since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade, more than 56 million lives have been snuffed out in America. That’s more people than the population of Texas, and it’s nine times the number of people who were killed during the Jewish Holocaust.

But every year during the third week of January, millions of Americans from all races, creeds, and socioeconomic and religious backgrounds come together in cities across the nation to stand up for the unborn and remind the world that abortion is the moral injustice of our day.

As a pro-life outreach organization driven by compassion for both the unborn and for women facing crisis pregnancies, Online for Life participated in this year’s life marches to show love and grace while proclaiming the truth about abortion and life.

Despite the snow and near-zero temperatures, thousands gathered in Washington, D.C. to make the annual trek up the National Mall to the Supreme Court Building. Arguably America’s largest life march, the National March for Life headlined some leading pro-life advocates, including Jeanne Monahan, president of March for Life; Giovanna Romero of Latinas por la Vida; Nicole Peck of Silent No More; youth speaker Molly Anne Dutton (Auburn University student); and many more. Online for Life was there, marching alongside staff members from several pregnancy resource centers that work with us.

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