
Friday, February 28, 2014

Human Trafficking is Happening in America and Abortion is Part of the Equation

by Brad Mattes

When you hear the term “human sex trafficking,” your thoughts probably go to some foreign land. Yet, the reality is that this crisis is taking place in your own backyard, in communities across America. It’s closer and more prevalent than you may realize. And abortion’s part of the equation.

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery, claiming the lives of countless women and children. Worldwide, it’s estimated that nearly 19 million people are enslaved in the commercial sex industry. The FBI reports that the average age of entry into sex trafficking is 12 to 14. Young girls, and sometimes boys, are lured in by pimps who promise a better life, love and acceptance or fame. One of the common tactics is to pose as an agent offering the girl a career in modeling. The girls are enticed, then manipulated, intimidated and overpowered, in most cases violently. Some are beaten, raped and forced into submission. In addition to the physical harm, the psychological abuse debilitates a girl’s sense of self. They’re brainwashed into believing that they are nothing. They’re told that no one will want them because of what they’ve done. Most disturbing, their lives can be threatened if they try to resist. It’s the ultimate victimization of body, mind and soul.

 article continues at

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