
Friday, February 14, 2014

Lawsuit: TN Pharmacist Axed Over Religious Objections to Plan B

A Tennessee pharmacist is seeking compensation in a
lawsuit that claims he was fired over his religious beliefs

Thomas More Society attorney Jocelyn Floyd tells OneNewsNow that a federal lawsuit has been filed on behalf of pharmacist Dr. Philip Hall, who worked for a Walgreens in Brentwood, Tennessee, for six years. The attorney explains the Walgreen Company was fully aware of Hall's religious and moral objections to dispensing abortion-causing drugs.

"And during that time they had a standard policy in place that was an accommodation of his religious beliefs," says Floyd, "because he did not wish to prescribe abortifacients, which are abortion-inducing drugs – also known as 'Plan B.'"

That accommodation, according to the legal firm, allowed Hall to ask another pharmacist to dispense such drugs. When the company did an "about-face" in its policy in August 2013 (due to FDA regulations), the pharmacist followed up with both his superiors and the corporate employee relations department to express his concerns and reiterate his religious objections. No mention was made of a change in store policy.

A month later, when asked what he would do if a customer asked for Plan B, he answered that he would follow the well-known protocol he had employed during his tenure at Walgreens. He was fired and suffered quite a financial setback.

"We expect that the law will prevail," says Floyd. "And we hope that we can get some compensation for Dr. Hall because in addition to losing his job, he lost several aspects of his benefits that had been saved up within the company; and between the time of being fired and finding a new job, he incurred a great number of medical bills."

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