
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Maryland March for Life is 2 weeks Away!

Volunteers Are Needed! 

Monday evening, March 10th

Religious services (Nondenominational worship service & Mass) begin at 5:15pm

Gather to march at 6:15
Rally at Lawyer's Mall at 7pm with Ryan Bomberger
Mixer with FREE Chick-fil-A at St. Mary's

Volunteers Needed!
We are so grateful for all of those who have helped make this night a TRUE Success!!! WE NEED YOU AGAIN THIS YEAR!! We are hoping to get even more people to join us at the March this year and therefore not only need help spreading the word, but also need help during the event .  Can you help Volunteer on March 10th?

There are 5 areas in which volunteers are needed:
1-    Marshalls- people to help guide traffic and parking.
2-    Set up- Arrive at St. Mary's around 3pm on Monday and help with set-up
3-    Registration- Arrive at St. Mary's around 4pm and help register people
4-    Clean-up-  To stay after the rally and help clean-up the post rally in Marian Hall at St. Mary's.
5-    Welcoming- greeters to show people where to go and welcome them to St. Mary's  (ideal for St. Mary's parishioners)

If you are able to volunteer, please contact Ginny Dauses, Campus Minister at St Marys High School.

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