
Monday, February 24, 2014

Michigan Abortionist Loses Job after Pro-Life Activist Tips News Station

By Cheryl SullengerOperation Rescue

Detroit, MI – Discredited abortionist Robert Alexander has lost a taxpayer-funded job as director of a state-operated STD clinic in Detroit where he fled last year after his squalid Muskegon abortion mill was shut by the Fire Marshall for posing extreme health hazards.

Alexander apparently resigned under pressure from his STD clinic job after a reporter contacted his employer and then attempted an impromptu interview with Alexander in the parking lot of the STD clinic, asking him about medical board allegations of incompetence.

The news reporter was tipped off to Alexander’s place of employment by long-time Michigan pro-life activist Lynn Mills.

The news station then broadcast a 5 minute, 23 second exposé on Alexander that included first-hand revelations made by a former employee that served as an informant to Operation Rescue.

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