
Friday, February 14, 2014

Mom Seeks Justice After Murdered Unborn Son Refused Status As Person

When is murder not murder? Heather Surovik found out that when her baby, who was close to birth, was
killed by a drunk driver, it wasn’t actually murder because Colorado law says her baby wasn’t a life.

MSNBC added to the tragedy with a report weighing in with the pro-abortion offense. The basics are clear, as MSNBC points out:

To Surovik, that was a homicide. But not according to Colorado law. “I was told that because my son did not take a breath, he was not considered a person,” she said. “He was considered part of my injuries—a loss of a pregnancy.” In her case, a repeat drunk driver named Gary Sheats pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and vehicular assault. “Those charges didn’t matter to me because they didn’t involve my son,” Surovik said. “I wanted to figure out a way to get justice.”
This injustice led Surovik to fight the law with the law, and this November, Amendment 67 – known as the Brady Amendment – will appear on Colorado ballots. If it passes, it will redefine criminal code in CO:

In the interest of the protection of pregnant mothers and their unborn children from criminal offenses and negligent and wrongful acts, the words ‘person’ and ‘child’ in the Colorado Criminal Code and the Colorado Wrongful Death Act must include unborn human beings.
Surovik met Personhood USA directors in Colorado and decided to work with them to help collect the signatures needed for the ballot measure.

article continues at

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