
Monday, February 3, 2014

Ohio Abortionist With 41% of RU-486 Complications Seeks License for Clinic Closed by the State

Operation Rescue files complaint against clinic for advertising surgical abortions without being licensed to do them. RU-486 abortion pills already being dispensed.

By Cheryl Sullenger

Akron, OH – A former Planned Parenthood abortionist who is responsible for nearly 41% of medication abortion complications in Ohio has reopened and renamed an abortion clinic closed by the state last year for serious health and safety code violations that went uncorrected.

David M. Burkons continues to dispense RU-486 abortion pills at the former Capital Care Network — now named the Northeast Ohio Women’s Center — in Cuyahoga Falls, outside Akron, Ohio. He has filed an application to obtain a license to conduct surgical abortions with the Ohio Department of Health, which discovered 34 pages of deficiencies at that facility in February, 2013, and ordered it closed in April after the deficiencies went uncorrected.

Violations that posed a danger to the public included:
• Hiring employees who lacked training and proper qualifications.
• Unqualified employees routinely dispensing controlled substances to patients.
• Logs for controlled substances not properly maintained.
• Missing drugs.
• Expired pharmacy license.
• Shoddy lab practices resulting in dubious test results.
• Failure to maintain proper sanitizing methods in surgical areas.
• Illegible or incomplete medical records that revealed a lack of patient monitoring.
• Lack of evidence of informed consent.
• No evidence that some sedated patients had transportation by another person as required upon discharge.
• No Registered Nurse assigned to surgery as required, affecting at least 19 patients.
• Lack of mandatory Advance Life Support Certification for surgical and recovery room employees.
• Failure to maintain a “Quality Assurance” program at the facility.
• Lack of new employee training and staff evaluations.
• Lack of infection control training.
• Lack of a tuberculosis control plan.
• Employee time card irregularities lending to conditions ripe for financial malfeasance.
• Failure to provide credentialing information for one abortion provider.
• Complicated lock on the exit door used for emergencies which could delay emergency care.

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