
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PRI Takes Down Abortion-Promoting Blog

Illegal campaign to promote Misoprostol abortions suffers major setback in Peru

by Carlos Polo
For some years now, the abortion movement has been setting up so-called “safe abortion hotlines” in Latin American countries, and secretly (and illegally) advertising them on the internet. In Peru, the offensive website was under the domain of Blogspot, and it relentlessly promoted abortion. Women who visited the site looking for help were instead given encouragement to break the law and to perform a dangerous and illegal chemical abortion on themselves by obtaining and ingesting Misoprostol from a local pharmacy.

At least, this is where matters stood until PRI launched a campaign against the website. As a result, hundreds of Peruvian citizens filed complaints with Blogspot to shut down the website. After hesitating for some months, Blogspot finally acted. It shut down the  site on the grounds that it was violating Blogspot policy by promoting drugs, in this case an illegal drug. If you type in the site’s one-time address at, what comes up is a message that this “Blog has been removed.”
This is a significant victory because this website was the primary means of advertising and promoting the so-called "safe abortion hotline." And the hotline in turn was the chief means by which the abortion movement was attempting promote, perform, and legalize abortions in pro-life Peru.

Like many Latin American constitutions, the Peruvian constitution defines life as beginning at conception. Abortion remains illegal. And any attempt to advertise abortion services on television, radio, or in the newspapers is quickly shut down by the authorities.

This is why the international abortion collective has invested so much time and energy into anonymous “hotlines” and remotely run websites in Latin America. And it is also why its chemical abortifacient of choice is Misoprostol, which can be used to initiate early-term abortions in secret, but which must then be completed—on the grounds that the woman is suffering a “natural miscarriage”—in government-run clinics and hospitals.

In fact, we at PRI believe that this strategy is being deliberately used, not just to carry out thousands of clandestine abortions, but with the broader goal of subverting pro-life laws throughout Latin America. That is to say, the international abortion movement hopes to make abortion by Misoprostol so common in countries like Peru that the legalization of all abortions will necessarily follow this cultural shift. We see something similar happening with the legalization of marijuana in some American states.

Such pro-abortion blogs and hotlines are promoted internationally by the Collective of Free Information for Women (CLIM) and by Women on Waves, itself notorious for providing shipboard abortions offshore of countries where abortions are prohibited. But their efforts are supported by nearly all major pro-abortion and radical feminist organizations, which have come together in the  Latin American Consortium Against Unsafe Abortion.

In short, by taking down the site, we have at the same time taken away from the international abortion movement its primary way of promoting abortion in Peru. The site will no longer encourage women to abort their unborn children. It will no longer give information about how to obtain and use Misoprostol to end pregnancy.  At the same time, we at PRI are working hard to help women in crisis pregnancies in Peru.
And hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children will live.

The pro-life Population Research Institute is dedicated to ending human rights abuses committed in the name of "family planning," and to ending counter-productive social and economic paradigms premised on the myth of "overpopulation." Find us at

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