
Monday, February 10, 2014

RYAN BOMBERGER Will Be the Featured Speaker At This Year's Maryland March For Life!

Conceived In Rape, Adopted Into A Loving Family
Maryland March for Life is thrilled to announce Ryan Bomberger as their rally keynote speaker at the Maryland March for Life on Monday, March 10, 2014!  He will share his incredible testimony about how all life has purpose. 

Check out (and share) this video about Ryan.


Will you invite your clergy and church leaders?
One of the best things about the Maryland March for Life is that it begins with prayer - at both the Nondenominational Worship Service & Mass.
We need your pastors, deacons, & church leadership to join these religious services!  All priests are invited to concelebrate the Mass with Bishop Rozanski. 
Will you personally invite them? 
In Maryland, there are at least 7 abortion facilities willing to perform abortions after the unborn child feels excruciating pain (20 weeks post fertilization).  Four of them currently are prohibited from performing surgical abortions due to flagrantly violating surgical abortion facility regulations.

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