
Saturday, February 1, 2014

STOP: Please Don't Buy Those Girl Scout Cookies

From Judie Brown, President
American Life League

Is your daughter, granddaughter or a neighbor's child asking you to buy Girl Scout cookies? Please think twice.

American Life League has joined with other pro-life organizations in the call for a national boycott of Girl Scout cookies. As I said in my press release today, the Girl Scouts was once a trusted organization dedicated to character building in young girls and women. Now, GSUSA is abusing that trust.

Most parents and grandparents remain painfully unaware that GSUSA has introduced so-called 'family planning' ideology in its curriculum and promotes groups like Planned Parenthood to our daughters and granddaughters. GSUSA is the largest member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, a group that advocates for "affordable, accessible, safe abortion." GSUSA participated in a "girls only" United Nations workshop in 2010 with Planned Parenthood where a sex education pamphlet titled "Happy, Healthy, and Hot" instructed young girls not to think of sex as "just about vaginal or anal intercourse." It continued, "There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore, and be yourself!"

The GSUSA curriculum now promotes Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, Betty Friedan, founder of NARAL Prochoice, and other pro-abortion women as icons for our children to emulate. GSUSA even directs girls to explore organizations like Population Center.

I know you don't want to disappoint that little girl asking you to buy her cookies. But, while the girls themselves keep on average approximately 15% of the purchase price, the local councils - that introduce girls to a pro-abortion worldview-keep the lion's share of the profit from cookie sales.

ALL hopes that the cookie boycott will raise awareness with parents and grandparents that Girl Scouts is no longer the organization they grew up with and once trusted. When that Girl Scout comes to your door or you see her in front of the local grocery store or in the mall, check to see if there is an adult present. If there is, you may want to give the adult this flier that explains why you cannot buy the cookies.

There are more wholesome ways (and safer ways) to spend your hard-earned cookie money.

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