
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Days for LIFE – What’s YOUR Intention?

Today starts the 2014 Spring Campaign for 40 Days for Life. Awaken the conscience of YOUR community!

What’s YOUR intention? Are you post-abortive? Were you ever abortion-minded? Have you lost a sibling or family member to abortion? Then 40 Days for Life is for you! This is an opportune time to come and peacefully pray, grieve, and be a life-minded witness to abortion-minded women and men! 40 Days for Life vigils changes lives and save lives!

I don’t know how to do this! No problem, let the Word of God guide you to doing what we are called to do as Christians [Rom 12:9-16]:

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It is the goal of KeepLifeLegal to maintain a Godly regard for Life at all stages, born and unborn. We know Life to be ordained by God and holy to Him.

We are called by God to preach and teach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified as the answer to all things pertaining to Salvation, Restoration and Sanctification.

KeepLifeLegal strives to be an organization that exemplifies the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in our relationships with each other and the world while maintaining biblical standards in our personal walk.

use this link for more information on KeepLifeLegal

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