
Monday, March 3, 2014

41 Reasons Why I Am Pro-Life

by Maria Vitale Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

In commemoration of the 41st anniversary of the tragic U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade and its companion decision, Doe v. Bolton, here are the 41 reasons I am pro-life:
  1. Every child, no matter what race, religion, or the circumstances of conception, has an inherent right to live.
  2. Motherhood is a beautiful gift which should be celebrated, not eliminated.
  3. Abortion is an egregious attack on the family.
  4. A true feminist supports other women, including those in the womb.
  5. Abortion is not an anti-poverty plan but simply a means to eliminate the poor.
  6. As the big sister of a preemie, I learned the value of the littlest lives.
  7. It is a supreme injustice to destroy an entire class of people—those with special needs—by means of abortion.
  8. The pro-life movement sees women as strong and capable.
  9. It is heartbreaking to see a father cry over the loss of his unborn child.
  10. There is no supermodel more beautiful than a woman cradling a second life within her.
  11. The March for Life is the most inspiring event I have ever witnessed.
  12. I have seen women who have had an abortion experience profound healing and new hope after joining the pro-life movement.
  13. The people, the people, the people!
  14. No sound is as sweet as a mother singing a lullaby to her newborn.
  15. A friend introduced me to the landmark book Grand Illusions by George Grant and my eyes opened to the immense tragedy that abortion represents.
  16. My Church has been pro-life since its inception.
continue reading at Note: Maria Vitale is an opinion columnist for She is the Legislative Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and Vitale has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.

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