
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Clinic Worker Films Her Own Abortion In Bizarre Video

 By Lauren Enriquez
Live Action News

Earlier this year, the Abortion Care Network sponsored a video contest. The aim of the videos submitted was to “bust the stigma” associated with abortion. Many abortion advocates contend that it is strictly stigma, created by pro-lifers, that causes the shame that women feel after experiencing abortion. Blaming pro-life advocacy for the normal effects of abortion on women is a cheap tactic that doesn’t actually help women who are struggling with painful — sometimes traumatic — emotions after they choose abortion. But apparently, some women took the bait and submitted their videos. One of them was Emily Letts, who is an abortion counselor at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey.

The video opens with Emily explaining her feelings and justification for the abortion. Giggling, she says “Yeah, I’m gonna be having an abortion tomorrow morning!” Emily’s video includes (non-graphic) filming during the abortion. The experience was anomalous compared with the recorded testimonies of many post-abortive women. The doctor was extremely friendly, Emily was smiling the whole time, and two clinic workers were present on either side of Emily to hold her hands during her child’s death.


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