
Monday, March 31, 2014

Compulsory Indoctrination

Does a child have God given rights? Does does the government have the Constitutional authority to compel children to go to school?  Does a child's rights mysteriously appear when the child turns 18?

A child is an individual born with all of the God given rights that they will ever have. They are not the property of their parents or the government. The parents who created  the child are the custodians of the child's rights until the child is ready to assume responsibility for their own life.

Is the decision to send a child to school a decision that should be made by the parents or the government? Should the parents pay for their children's education or should the tax payers be compelled to bear the burden?

It is the parent's responsibility to feed, clothe and nurture the child. It is also their responsibility to educate their child. The parents are to teach the child to be responsible members of society and to obey all laws that promote liberty and the principles of personal responsibility.

Ultimately the parents and not the government are responsible for educating the child on how to become responsible members of their community.
Government schools are indoctrination centers where students go to be taught what to think. The children are taught to be obedient and to do whatever they are told. 

They are taught to conform to conventional wisdom rather than to think critically and to question authority. The students are taught to trust and look to the government to solve their problems rather than to seek their own solutions.

An individual who is controlled by another is a slave. It is illegal to refuse to compensate an adult for their labor, but exploiting children in the name of education is accepted in our society.

A child does not belong to his parents or the government. The parents who created the child are the custodians of the child and are responsible to make decisions for the child until the child reaches the age of accountability. It is the parent's responsibility to feed, clothe and nurture the child and to teach the child to respect the lives, liberty and property of others and to obey all laws which promote liberty and individual responsibility.

If the government can force children to go to school, can the government also tell them what to eat or drink? Can the government tell them what to think and who to marry?

Individuals who are controlled by others are not free. It is illegal to refuse to compensate an adult for their labor and It is illegal to kill an adult, but it is permissible to exploit children and murder the unborn.

The government made it illegal for companies to exploit children, by stealing their labor without compensation, but justifies stealing the labor of children for the greater good of the society.

Education is not one of the delegated powers enumerated in Article I Section 8. A government with the power to exploit children and terminate their lives before they are born is morally bankrupt.

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