
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Effective Sidewalk Counseling

By Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D
Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Sidewalk counseling is one of the most effective ways to save unborn babies from abortion. While it can be the most demanding of all pro-life work--- when a baby is saved it is the most rewarding.

Nothing compares to the inexpressible joy a pro-lifer experiences when a baby is saved from abortion because he or she was there in front of the abortion center intervening on behalf of the innocent unborn.

The First Thing Is Prayer

Effective sidewalk counseling begins with prayer! Sidewalk counselors should be people of prayer and maintain a truly prayerful attitude when out at the local killing centers. Prayer is the sidewalk counselors’ most important source of power in talking women out of abortion. And here is the key: recruit others who will specifically hold you up in prayer all during the time you are out in front of the abortion center. These people are praying for you and for the moms. Surround your work with a dedicated team of prayer warriors. People who, for whatever reason, cannot do sidewalk counseling themselves (perhaps because of age or infirmity) can serve as your prayer supporters. Knowing that you have someone praying for you and for the success of your work is a tremendous consolation In addition, there should be a team of praying people at the killing site who stand in the background and do nothing but quietly and fervently pray. These people do not picket or sidewalk counsel themselves---they pray! When a woman approaches the center they pray her heart will be softened. As the pro-life sidewalk counselor talks to her they pray she will listen. If she goes into the mill they pray for her to come out. Prayer to Almightly God, who alone changes hearts and minds, is a must in order for women (and boyfriends, etc.) to turn away from their decision to kill their own babies.

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 Citizens for a Pro-life Society is an activist organization, founded on Catholic principles of morality and social justice, dedicated to advocacy of the sanctity of human life, especially protection of the right to life of unborn children through the organization of public demonstrations, pickets, educational programs, literature distribution, conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures as well as reaching out to mothers in crisis pregnancy and offering them material and spiritual aid. Our goal is to work to end the culture of death and restore a culture of life, to re-establish respect for human life created in the image and likeness of God.

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