
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Every Catholic Should Help This Guy

The stage is set in Texas.

And every Catholic in America should care what happens next.

Pro-life Republican (and Catholic) Greg Abbott will face off this November against abortion radical Wendy Davis in the Texas race for Governor.

Davis, as you may recall, won instant fame for filibustering a bill that would protect children in the womb after 20 weeks. She is Planned Parenthood’s dream candidate, which is why they have already helped her raise over $12 million!

The CV Candidate Fund endorsed Greg Abbott -- a staunch Catholic pro-life advocate, who has been wheelchair bound since he was 26 years old. Abbott is our guy, and we hope every Catholic across America will help us elect him -- and defeat Wendy Davis.

True to his Texas roots, Abbott is not afraid of a fight. Describing his work as the Attorney General, Abbott said: “I go into the office, I sue the federal government, and I go home.”
Given the Obama Administration’s increasing attacks on our freedom, Abbott's words are music to my ears.

Greg Abbott sued the federal government to stop Obamacare. He also joined with attorneys general in six other states in a lawsuit against the HHS mandate which forces businesses and religious organizations to pay for abortion pills, contraception, and sterilizations.

Abbott has also vowed to challenge a radical judge's recent ruling overturning Texas' marriage amendment. Abbott is a strong defender of family, faith, and freedom.

And if elected, he'll be the first Catholic to serve as Governor of Texas.
Texas is the pro-life state with the largest population. Abortion groups realize if they can change Texas from being a pro-life state, they'll set the pro-life movement back nationwide.

We can't let that happen.

Will you help CV send a message: Catholics support Greg Abbott! 

This race will have national implications!  Use this link to help get Greg Abbott elected.

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