
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Extend Assisted Suicide To Children? Belgium Says Yes

So Should We Says the Los Angeles Times Op-Ed 

Is this what society has succumbed?  This morning I was watching Fox and Friends when a discussion came up about this very issue.  To my horror, one of the lawyers actually compared euthanizing a sick child to that of putting down a dog or a horse! 

Now we think of our children as pets that can be put down if they are sick?  What next?  If they keep us awake at night teething or with colic, will we want to ‘put them out of their misery’ as well? 

We keep saying that we are sliding further down that slippery slope.  Guess what?  I truly believe we've already reached the bottom!  

Read the following article and let me know your thoughts on this. You can post your thoughts in the comment section below. 

The Belgian government this week approved new measures allowing the euthanasia of terminally ill children, a decision that on first reading would make most of us gasp.

It is a distressing concept, and the idea of helping a child die sounds incredibly cold and morally and ethically unsound — until you dive into the issue. While it raises painful and conflicting emotions, and choices, the Belgians — who have pushed assisted suicide to the edge before — are on the right, groundbreaking track.
As one might expect, it was a highly controversial issue, and the bill was opposed by the Roman Catholic Church as well as some pediatricians. From the Guardian:

The law lifts Belgium’s age restrictions on euthanasia and can sanction it where children have a terminal and incurable illness, are near death, and suffering “constant and unbearable physical” pain, and where parents and professionals agree to the choice.

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