
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

“Hollywood’s Abortion Problem”

Or New Low in Pro-choice Paranoia?

by Calvin Freiburger
Live Action News

The fact that the pro-abortion movement is fueled by a perpetual sense of victimhood isn’t good for our society, but it does have its entertaining moments: every so often, its members get so desperate for new enemies that they turn on their own allies.

At PolicyMic, Cari Romm delivers the grim news about “Hollywood’s problem with abortion,” which she sees exposed by a study Cassy Fiano discussed for Live Action back in January.

Yes, Hollywood is apparently now part of the Patriarchal Anti-Choice Conspiracy.

The study, by the University of California-San Francisco’s think-tank Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health, purports to have analyzed all of the abortion-related plots to have ever appeared in fictional American TV and movies. Romm fears that they’re tarnishing abortion’s good name by making it seem more dangerous than it really is:

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