
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

If We’re Really Pro-Life, Let’s Start Acting Like It

Rebecca Kiessling, a 44-year-old Michigan attorney, is shown in a photograph with her birth mother.
by By Steve Deace
Washington Times

Imagine having your own murder debated on national television, and then you’d know how people like Rebecca Kiessling often feel.

Ms. Kiessling, a 44-year-old Michigan attorney, was conceived in rape. Her birth mother was sexually assaulted at knife-point by a serial rapist. It wasn’t until she learned the truth of her origin that she even considered the scorching hot debate that has been raging since Roe v. Wade 41 years ago.
“I had never considered this applied to my life, but once I learned the truth of my conception, it suddenly did,” Ms. Kiessling said.

According to Ms. Kiessling’s research, her life represents the more than 30,000 rape-related pregnancies that occur in the United States each year. Now married for 15 years with five children ages 6-14, Ms. Kiessling is reconciled with her birth mother and is on the speaker’s circuit about 75 times per year on behalf of children conceived in rape.

However, since former U.S. Senate candidates Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock made their controversial statements about rape and abortion during the 2012 campaign, Ms. Kiessling also has spent plenty of time watching the existence of children like her debated in the media as if they’re nothing more than a statistic.

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