
Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day

As ‘no exceptions’ prolifers, we are to love them all; the sidewalk is not segregated. We are determined to defeat the scourge of abortion and bring better awareness that all of God’s children are GOD’s, right on the sidewalk of abortion facilities everywhere.

FACT: 92% of diagnosed preborn Down syndrome babies are aborted.

In 1997, I was 35 years old…and surprised with pregnancy I did not expect. I was married, had two sons, my youngest was 5 years old. Since I was ‘old’ regarding child bearing, the doctors tried to prescribe an amniocentesis to check for Down syndrome and other ‘defects’. I gave a resounding NO. I was already post-abortive and knew exactly what it was like to live with it. I said that I do not want to know if something was wrong – I would be his/her mother, no matter what. Doctors are way too quick to give moms the option of abortion – just in case.

FACT: 92% of diagnosed preborn Down syndrome babies are aborted.

All WAY too often women are given the option – over and OVER again – to abort their preborn child because of an presumed affliction. People only want perfection and the path of least resistance. Few give God a chance to be God.

A famous mom of a Down syndrome child is Sarah Palin. She had the test, she and her husband prepared for their child’s arrival, not demise. Palin said she knew abortion was an option but was able to overcome the fear of the unknown to go ahead with the birth.

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