
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

NARAL’s Absurd Pro-choice Arguments


 by Chris Rostenberg
Live Action News
Nine month pro-choicers (those who support unqualified abortion) have many weapons in their arsenal, but none are more powerful than obfuscation, the deliberate confusion of ideas.  On the forty-first anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton, right after the March for Life, CNN invited Lila Rose, president of the pro-life youth group, Live Action, onto its show to debate Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Crossfire was hosted by Sally Kohn on the left and Newt Gingrich on the right. Ms. Rose seemed to this writer to be the winner of the debate, but the pro-choicers were successful in employing dishonest arguments that there was not time to undo. Let’s try to clear up some of the confusion now.

 Chris Rostenberg was once a pro-choicer – when he thought “pro-choice” meant anyone who supported any abortion. Now he believes a pro-choicer is a person who supports nine month abortion under all circumstances. Nine-month pro-choicers make up the most destructive political movement of all time, far worse than Nazis and Soviets combined. Chris has been learning about the issue and working to educate his peers for over two decades. He believes online media will create a tipping point for young people converting to the pro-life/pro-compromise position. He also is an atheist who loves Catholics. Rock on pro-lifers and pro-compromisers!

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