
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Prayer and Witness at the Philadelphia Women's Center, Saturday March 8th

Help us honor John Stanton's legacy by participating in a prayer vigil and public witness at the "Philadelphia Women's Center" at 8th and Appletree Streets (between Race and Arch) on Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 7:00am - 9:15am


Rev. Thomas Betz will celebrate Mass at 9:30am at nearby Holy Redeemer Church at 10th and Vine Streets. A social gathering follows in the Parish Center.

For many years, John led a group of pro-life citizens every Saturday morning at this abortion chamber in prayer, counseling and public witness when approximately 30 expectant mothers arrive for abortions. The witness and prayers of these pro-life people often resulted in some of these mothers not having their scheduled abortions. The number of such mothers was usually in proportion to the number of pro-life citizens present.

Sad to say, but the number of pro-life people present at this abortion chamber on Saturday mornings usually only averages only ten. In an effort to increase these numbers, pro-life leaders are seeking to recruit people to commit to be present at this abortion chamber on one Saturday per month.

We launch these efforts on Saturday, March 8th, the first Saturday in Lent 2014. Please join us!

Parking and bathrooms facilities are available near to the abortion chamber and at Holy Redeemer Church.

For Additional Information, Contact Mike McMonagle at

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