
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pro-Choice Substance Abuse Counselor Admits That Men And Women Suffer From Abortion

by Sarah Terzo

Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood insist that abortion does not cause depression, substance abuse, or any kind of mental health trauma. On the Planned Parenthood website, it says the following:
Research studies indicate that emotional responses to legally induced abortion are largely positive…. Anti-family planning activists, however, circulate unfounded claims that a majority of the 29 percent of pregnant American women who choose to terminate their pregnancies (Henshaw & Van Vort, 1990) suffer severe and long-lasting emotional trauma as a result. They call this nonexistent phenomenon “post-abortion trauma” or “post-abortion syndrome.” … For most women who have had abortions, the procedure represents a maturing experience, a successful coping with a personal crisis situation .. Up to 98 percent of the women who have abortions have no regrets and would make the same choice again in similar circumstances .
While a handful of studies do show that women do not regret their abortions, these studies are usually based on interviews with women conducted mere weeks or months after their abortions, or even on the actual day of their abortions. Many women are not ready to admit the emotional issues their abortions have caused them so soon, or they may not yet have come to realize exactly how their abortions have affected them.

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