
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Resolving Medical, Ethical, and Liberty Reproductive Life Issues

By Victor Ajluni, M.D.
for the Catholic Stand

It’s been intensely frustrating, though strangely fascinating as a physician, to see public comments social media regarding the embryonic stem cell and, inevitably, the abortion debate. 

The most common difference between the two sides seems to be the disagreement over whether or not the products of conception are a “person.”  If they are not, when do they become a person?  I don’t think I need to tell the reader which side of the issue maintains which view on that particular issue.  Please note that I advocate whole-heartedly all other forms of stem cell research such as cord blood and adult stem cells.  These have shown great promise and do not involve the destruction of the human embryo.  Why then, if there are promising alternatives, do we fight for the right to destroy life in order to save it?

Clearly, on the surface, the issue is a very complicated one.  It involves the notion of individual liberty regarding sexuality and so called “reproductive rights.”  The notion that one claims “ownership” over one’s body without respect to the impact individual choices make on others including society as a whole.  The dawning of new reproductive and contraceptive techniques over the past fifty years has certainly been part of the debate as are the medical ethics questions that naturally proceed and inevitably follow.

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Victor Ajluni, M.D. is a cradle Catholic and married father of 2 sons. He is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in Detroit, MI working in both an outpatient practice and emergency psychiatry. 

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