
Saturday, March 15, 2014

SUMMER INTERNSHIP: Learn How to be a Pro-life Activist

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

 Have you ever wondered what it's like to work full-time as a pro-life activist?

It's a difficult job to describe, without walking a mile in an activist's shoes. But that's EXACTLY the opportunity the Pro-Life Action League is offering this summer!

I'm happy to announce the League's SUMMER INTERNSHIP program for college students or recent graduates.

Interns will take part in every aspect of the League's mission, including:

* Sidewalk counseling
* Pro-life protest (including the 8-day "Truth Tour")
* Investigating the abortion industry
* Expanding the League's nationwide network

The internship runs from June 9 to August 8, and the deadline for applications is Friday, April 11, so please help spread the word to anyone you think would make a good candidate.

All the details on this exciting internship, including how eligible candidates can apply, are available right here:

 The Pro-Life Action League is dedicated to saving mothers and babies from abortion through peaceful direct action. We encourage all pro-life Americans to join us on the front lines, actively fighting for an end to abortion. We are very active in Illinois, where we are headquartered, but our activism reaches across the globe.

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