
Monday, March 24, 2014

#TellTheTruth about #Tolerance & Forced #Segregation

 From KeepLifeLegal

or…fun with #hashtags? NO, this post is about INTOLERANCE of SIN; or perhaps the nonsensical and ungodly tolerances of our society today? The Bible and the Constitution were never meant to ‘evolve’; these are sacred texts that are being beaten up to sidle up to an agenda…AN AGENDA. America is quickly reverting back to what it was before the first pilgrim stepped foot on New World soil.

#tellthetruth: Abortion re-teaches segregation to a so-called ‘tolerant’ society. Abortion is perhaps the greatest loophole maker since 1776. We have to save the planet for people that died an abortion death? For as idiotic as that sounds, think about it for a minute: WHO will be left to absorb any leftover environmental resources they will ALLOW us to use? 60+ MILLION are dead while the ‘tolerant’ and ‘diverse’ are creating a pseudo race of people that hate anything of God or that is Godly.

Because of the loophole called the ‘exception case’ we have gone back in time to a segregated society that kills the weak, the sick, the unplanned, the unwanted, the poor, and targets minorities. If that ain’t SEGREGATION, then what is?

#tellthetruth: Loopholes force our hand at thinning the herd, thanks to the Democrat/Liberal agenda. Yesterday was World Down Syndrome Day to not only show that these wonderful complete human beings are straight from the heart of God but also to remind the American public that for every ONE Down Syndrome child or adult you see, NINE OTHERS DIED FROM ABORTION.

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