
Monday, March 3, 2014

The Big Apple’s Crime Against Black Babies

by Jeannie Deangelis
Live Action News

Barack Obama is the most abortion-friendly president to ever park his slippers in the private living quarters of the White House. No other president has supported not only abortion, but in addition to refusing to sign a bill that would mandate medical care for babies born alive in botched abortions, has called unwanted pregnancies a “punishment,” seems enamored with Planned Parenthood, and supports the brutal act of late-term partial-birth abortion.

When 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the black youth who was shot to death in Sanford, Florida, by George Zimmerman in self-defense, Obama, as a father, identified with the boy and publicly said that Trayvon could have been his son.

It’s curious that the president viewed this young black man as someone who could have been his child, because as black babies are systematically slaughtered in abortion mills all over America, the president apparently doesn’t have the ability to see that any one of those innocent, helpless unborn infants could also have been his child.

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Jeannie DeAngelis is a wife, mother and grandmother. Known primarily for a writing style that goes from humorous to deadly serious, Jeannie’s work covers conservative politics, liberal Hollywood, and pro-life issues.

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