
Monday, April 7, 2014

Above the Law

Why America Doesn’t Need Planned Parenthood

by Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

According to pro-abortion activists, we need Planned Parenthood.
They’ll rattle off a list of reasons – naming all of the supposed good that the organization does – and bury abortion somewhere near the bottom of that list. But the truth is that Planned Parenthood is an evil organization, chiefly concerned with one thing and one thing only: making money from the killing of unborn children. Nowhere can this truth be more evident than by their consistent attitude of being above the law.
Time and time again, they’ve been caught in blatant criminal activity.
Live Action began undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood in 2007, and what was found was truly disturbing. Eight clinics around the country were willing to cover up sexual abuse, in violation of mandatory statutory rape reporting laws. Another undercover investigation found seven clinics willing to aid and abet child sex trafficking. And while abortion advocates shrug the videos off as fake or doctored, the facts don’t bear that out. Planned Parenthood has repeatedly been caught doing the kind of illicit activities reported in our undercover investigations.

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