
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

All-time Record Cosponsors for Life at Conception Act!

From Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Thanks to all the petitions, phone calls, and postcards we have just reached an all-time record number of House and Senate cosponsors for the Life at Conception Act!

None of this record-setting support would be possible without your efforts. Now, we are working to force a roll call vote in both the House and the Senate on the Life at Conception Act.

But if we are going to save unborn babies and expose pro-abortion politicians, you and I are going to need all the help we can get. If you haven't already done so, please click here
 to sign your Life at Conception Act petition, and after you do, l and ask your friends and relatives to submit their petitions too to help us turn up the heat and force a vote.

With your help, I'm confident that 2014 will be the biggest year yet for the pro-life movement in Congress as the Life at Conception Act continues to build momentum.

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