
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April is for National Infertility Awareness

From Friends of Fertility Care 

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April is National Infertility Awareness Month. Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate, millions of women and men continue fighting day in and day out.  All want to be blessed with a child.

This month's ENews features a personal story of infertility that may bring hope to the many who continue to struggle, as well as information that may help and bring that same hope!

My Infertility Story 
                                        by Marielle Bietz 
My story begins much the same way as others' who suffer from endometriosis. As a teenager I had very painful and heavy periods. After seeking help from my gynecologist, she recommended that I begin taking birth control pills to help alleviate my symptoms and regulate my cycles.  Trusting my doctor, I followed her directions and went on "the Pill."
However, after seven years on "the Pill," I thought that perhaps there could be something else wrong with me. I switched gynecologists and was finally given some insight as to the culprit of my pain: endometriosis.  The endometriosis could only be diagnosed through laparoscopic surgery, so on December 21, 2009, I had my first laparoscopic surgery to diagnose and hopefully remove my endometriosis.  Thanks to the doctor and a laser, which he used to burn away the visible endometriosis, I was free from my endo . . . . 

or so I thought.

Within two months the pain was back.  It was the same story of writhing in pain with every periodand not being able tostand up straightbecause it felt like my insides were ripping apart.  For the next two years I would try even more birth control options in the hopes that my misery would end.  Though part of my routine, the pills and shots never provided relief and certainly did not cure my condition.
Finally, I accepted the advice of a friend who recommended me to Liz Parrish, a nurse that had worked with women with endometriosis.  I contacted Liz on February 1, 2012 and met her for an Introductory Session of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System on February 6, 2012.  The very next day I began charting my cycles.
When you chart with the Creighton Model it becomes evident what is going on with your body.  Too little progesterone, too little estrogen, not enough B6.  Your body has its own biomarkers to reflect exactly what is happening during yourcycle.  I had just never known to look for these biomarkers.  I had previously understood bleeding for weeks on end to mean misery and pain.  Days of heavy mucus were simply days of extra trips to the bathroom.  Periods of time without any bleeding or mucus were considered days of freedom. 

Now I was learning not only to look for these signs, but to write them down in my chart and interpret them.  Once I started my charting I began to recognize just how unusual my cycles were.  When I first started charting with the Creighton Model I was given a booklet.  It was all of the basics I needed to understand the method of charting, what I was to look for, how to record it, and even provided sample charts.  As I compared my chart to the samples given in the book I was able to notice similarities with one chart in particular:
infertility.  My chart looked exactly like the sample infertility chart.

This was confirmed with my doctors.
It was the worst news that I could hear, yet, also the news I had prepared myself to receive.  However, that didn't make it easier to accept.  I was being told that I was currently infertile.  The hope was that surgery would take care of the endometriosis and return my fertility to me.
Just like that, I had a plan. After charting for two months I met my amazing doctor, Jean Golden-Tevald.  She gave me something I had lost: hope. Dr. Jean made me feel like anything was possible.  She put me in touch with a surgeon and explained how surgery using NaProTechnology would be different from my first.  
Dr. Kyle Beiter reviewing data with patient.
NaPro Technologyensured that the endometriosis wouldn't return and that my fertility would be preserved.  After our first meeting, I agreed that this was my option.  I had my surgery with Dr. Kyle Beiter on May 29, 2012 where he removed all of my endometriosis.
Shortly after my surgery, my husband and I were cleared to begin trying to conceive.  I visited Dr. Jean daily for a week so that she could perform ultrasounds on my ovaries to see if I was ovulating.  On August 8, 2012 I ovulated.  On August 18, 2012 I got my positive pregnancy test.  On April 29, 2013 my precious baby Kendall Paige was born . . . exactly 11 months after my surgery with Dr. Beiter.
Although the surgery was difficult, I would do it a thousand times if it means that I can have my baby.  It was not always easy, but my goodness has it been so worth it.
Marielle - wife, mom, teacher. Read her full story at, learning more about her struggle with endometriosis and the lessons she has learned as a new mom.

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