
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Catholic Schools Pressed to Give Up Morality

Photo of Seattle priest Rev. John Whitney, S.J. demonstrating in Washington D.C. for same-sex marriage in defiance of his bishop.

by Anne Hendershott
for Crisis Magazine

After decades of well-documented dissent on many Catholic college campuses over Church teachings on abortion, contraception, and same sex marriage, a new front in the Catholic culture wars has opened on Catholic K-12 campuses as increasing numbers of gay and lesbian teachers and administrators at these schools are lobbying for the right to marry their same sex partners—and keep their jobs.
Posting pictures of their same sex engagements and weddings on Facebook pages shared with students, or publishing their wedding announcements in local newspapers, some of them have been terminated—not for being gay or lesbian—rather, for choosing a lifestyle that is viewed by the Church as inconsistent with Catholic teachings on marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Within the last school year, Catholic school teachers and administrators in MissouriCaliforniaNew JerseyOhioArkansas, and Seattle proudly announced their same sex engagements and marriages.  All have been terminated.   In Massachusetts, a food service worker who had applied for a job at a Catholic school in Milton claims he was denied the job because in his application materials, he identified his husband as the next of kin for an emergency contact.
Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. 

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