
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cloners Eggs-periment With Disaster

By Tony Perkins 
for the Patriot Post

While millions of people were busy hiding eggs for kids, scientists were hunting for eggs. Human ones. While researchers in London are growing noses, ears, and blood vessels with ethical stem cells, some scientists are still stubbornly plowing ahead with their morally dubious methods. Just last week, scientists from the U.S. and Korea broke the news that they had successfully created cloned, then killed the young humans for their embryonic stem cells.
While not the first successful human embryo cloning, it is the first time any scientists have used the DNA from adults to create the cloned human embryos. By showing that it's possible to refine the technique and make clones (even embryonic clones) of adults, it brings us even closer to the threat of using this technique to gestate and birth human cloned children. Not surprisingly, some of the more deceptive scientists call this possibility nonsense, but the cloners themselves admit that their embryos could develop into babies if implanted in surrogate wombs. To keep from alarming people, they insist they only want to “harvest” cells from the unfortunate clones for lab research and cures. Of course, what they neglect to mention is that there are zero cures or treatments available from embryonic stem cells – whether from clones or not. The only bona fide successes, the only successful stem cells, are ethical adult stem cells.
Tony Perkins is president of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council. He is a former member of the Louisiana legislature where he served for eight years, and he is recognized as a legislative pioneer for authoring measures like the nation's first Covenant Marriage law

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