
Thursday, April 3, 2014

It’s Bring Your Kids to Work Day…at the Abortion Facility?


 From KeepLifeLegal

An abortion worker brings her sons to work at the abortion facility we witness at. We are to assume that it’s because they are too sick for school or an off day in the district. These are upper elementary school aged boys. As most of us know, children are NEVER allowed to go into the facility…but why?
Why are children not allowed in the Center?
Children can sometimes be a distraction. Our medical staff needs the full attention of our patients and their support person. Also, making the decision not to have a child and then seeing children, can be upsetting. [read the rest here]
Don’t believe the lie of the abortion facility. Children are never allowed to be seen by pregnant women about to abort simply so that they WILL abort. Or have you forgotten that abortion is a BUSINESS first?
The shutterbug that I am, I have not taken a photo of this ‘mom’ and her sons at the facility during killing hours. It’s a matter of her kid’s privacy,  not hers. Who knows what this woman tells her kids about what goes on in the death camp she calls a job.

continue reading at

It is the goal of KeepLifeLegal to maintain a Godly regard for Life at all stages, born and unborn. We know Life to be ordained by God and holy to Him.

We are called by God to preach and teach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified as the answer to all things pertaining to Salvation, Restoration and Sanctification.

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